Send us your parts for an aptitude test now!

Parts testing

You want to make sure that your parts can be reliably fed and inserted with feedy?
Then simply send us an e-mail with pictures/drawings of your parts or send us your sample parts!

For a first free evaluation, we only need an e-mail with the basic data and pictures/drawings of your parts or 5 to 10 sample parts. For a feasibility test with quantified performance, we need several hundred parts, up to a thousand parts, depending on the size (approx. 1 litre). The test operation runs for several hours, which allows us to evaluate the process over a longer period of time. You will receive a test report from us with binding performance data. The contribution towards expenses of 500 EUR / CHF for the feasibility test will of course be deducted from your order.

Please send the parts to the following address:

Dahlienweg 15
4553 Subingen

Scope of application

Part size 3 mm to 50 mm maximum edge length
Part weight max. 30 g
Thinnest zones protruding mould elements ≥ 0.3 mm
Output up to 40 parts / min.
Material metal, plastic, rubber, wood, glass
Conditions dry, clean, single-variety (no foreign parts), not magnetized