Parts testing
Then simply send us an e-mail with pictures/drawings of your parts or send us your sample parts!
For a first free evaluation, we only need an e-mail with the basic data and pictures/drawings of your parts or 5 to 10 sample parts. For a feasibility test with quantified performance, we need several hundred parts, up to a thousand parts, depending on the size (approx. 1 litre). The test operation runs for several hours, which allows us to evaluate the process over a longer period of time. You will receive a test report from us with binding performance data. The contribution towards expenses of 500 EUR / CHF for the feasibility test will of course be deducted from your order.
Please send the parts to the following address:
Dahlienweg 15
4553 Subingen
Scope of application
Part size 3 mm to 50 mm maximum edge length
Part weight max. 30 g
Thinnest zones protruding mould elements ≥ 0.3 mm
Output up to 40 parts / min.
Material metal, plastic, rubber, wood, glass
Conditions dry, clean, single-variety (no foreign parts), not magnetized